Results for 'Leyla Roskan Çağlar'

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  1.  32
    Back to the future: The return of cognitive functionalism.Leyla Roskan Çağlar & Stephen José Hanson - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
    The claims that learning systems must build causal models and provide explanations of their inferences are not new, and advocate a cognitive functionalism for artificial intelligence. This view conflates the relationships between implicit and explicit knowledge representation. We present recent evidence that neural networks do engage in model building, which is implicit, and cannot be dissociated from the learning process.
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    Attentional Bias in Human Category Learning: The Case of Deep Learning.Catherine Hanson, Leyla Roskan Caglar & Stephen José Hanson - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Controlling the message: preschoolers’ use of information to teach and deceive others.Marjorie Rhodes, Elizabeth Bonawitz, Patrick Shafto, Annie Chen & Leyla Caglar - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  4. Teaching Ethics in Nursing.Leyla Dinç & Refia Selma Görgülü - 2002 - Nursing Ethics 9 (3):259-268.
    Being a professional nurse requires ethical decision making and this in turn necessitates an effective learning process. The active participation of students in the teaching of ethics will contribute to this process. This study was conducted at Hacettepe University School of Nursing, Ankara, Turkey, to determine the views of students about the nursing ethics content in the curriculum, the examination system, and some educational characteristics of the teachers responsible for the course. The sample comprised 113 students who participated voluntarily. In (...)
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    Relational Basis of the Organism's Self-organization A Philosophical Discussion.Çağlar Karaca - 2019 - Dissertation, University of Exeter
    In this thesis, I discuss the organism's self-organization from the perspective of relational ontology. I critically examine scientific and philosophical sources that appeal to the concept of self-organization. By doing this, I aim to carry out a thorough investigation into the underlying reasons of emergent order within the ontogeny of the organism. Moreover, I focus on the relation between universal dynamics of organization and the organization of living systems. I provide a historical review of the development of modern ideas related (...)
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    Trust and trustworthiness in nursing: an argument‐based literature review.Leyla Dinç & Chris Gastmans - 2012 - Nursing Inquiry 19 (3):223-237.
    DINÇ L and GASTMANS C. Nursing Inquiry 2012; 19: 223–237 Trust and trustworthiness in nursing: an argument‐based literature reviewCaring requires nurses to establish trusting relationships with patients and to be trustworthy professionals. This article provides insight into the conceptual understanding of trust and trustworthiness in nursing through an argument‐based literature review of 17 articles published between 1980 and 2010. Trust is characterized as an attitude relying with confidence on someone. The importance of trust relationships is considered by addressing the imbalances (...)
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  7. Vitalizmin Bilimselliği Tartışması: Dönüşen Perspektifler ve Güncelliğini Koruyan Felsefî Problemler.Çağlar Karaca - 2021 - Dört Öge 9 (19):1-28.
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    Uluslararasi İLi̇Şki̇Lerde Çevreyi̇ Merkeze Taşimak: Temel Yaklaşimlar Ve Tartişmalar.Çağlar Söker & Erdem Özlük - 2018 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 13 (1):227-262.
    Bu çalışma Uluslararası İlişkiler’de (Uİ) çevrenin neden disiplinin periferisinde yer aldığını “sorun çözücü ve eleştirel” yaklaşımlar ayrımı üzerinden sorgulamaktadır. Disiplindeki sorun çözücü yaklaşımlar, çevreyi sadece bir “sorun” olması durumunda dikkate alan ve mevcut küresel sistem içinde çözümler arayan yaklaşımlardır. Eleştirel yaklaşımlarsa çevre sorunlarının ötesinde daha “iyi” bir dünya yaratmak için sürdürülebilir bir sistem oluşturma amacını taşıyan; bu yüzden sistemin yeniden yapılandırılması gerektiğini ileri sürerek ulusal ve uluslararası politik, ekonomik ve toplumsal düzeni sorgulayan yaklaşımlardır. Bu bağlamda öncelikle “çevresel güvenlik” ve “liberal (...)
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    Life’s organization between matter and form: Neo-Aristotelian approaches and biosemiotics.Çağlar Karaca - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (2):1-40.
    In this paper, I discuss the neo-Aristotelian approaches, which usually reinterpret Aristotle’s ideas on form and/or borrow the notion of formal cause without engaging with the broader implications of Aristotle’s metaphysics. In opposition to these approaches, I claim that biosemiotics can propose an alternative view on life’s form. Specifically, I examine the proposals to replace the formal cause with gene-centrism, functionalism, and structuralism. After critically addressing these approaches, I discuss the problems of reconciling Aristotelianism with the modern view of life’s (...)
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    Kairopolitik: Spinozacı Bir Zaman Siyaseti.Mustafa Çağlar Atmaca - 2020 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 10 (10:3):991-1007.
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  11. On the shores of power : cultural diversity turn, cultural policies, and the location of migrants.Ayse Caglar - 2015 - In Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Christina Garsten, Shalini Randeria & Ulf Hannerz, Anthropology now and next: essays in honor of Ulf Hannerz. Oxford: Berghahn Books.
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    Moving in from the Margins? Turkey in Europe.Caglar Keyder - 2006 - Diogenes 53 (2):72-81.
    Historically Turkey has been the ‘other’ for Europe. Turkish identity has taken shape via an ambivalent relationship with an idealized Europe. There was resentment due to the perception of exclusion, but also an intense desire to belong. As the project of official association with the European Union progressed, each of the partners had to ask questions about the meaning of culture and identity. At first there was a conviction that the prospect of entry would never turn into reality. The entrenched (...)
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  13.  34
    Implementation and Evaluation of a Nursing Ethics Course at Turkish Doctoral Nursing Programs.Leyla Dinç - 2015 - Journal of Academic Ethics 13 (4):375-387.
    Graduate nursing students should have a strong ethical theoretical foundation to identify and explore scientific and technological ethical issues impacting nursing care, to assume leadership positions in practice and education, and to conduct research contributing to nursing’s knowledge base. This paper reports the implementation and evaluation of a new ethics course at Turkish doctoral nursing programs. The first section describes course design and implementation. The second section evaluates the course and discusses results. Students’ evaluations indicated that the concept of caring (...)
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    A Meta-Analysis of the Relationships Between Emotional Intelligence and Employee Outcomes.Çaǧlar Doǧru - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Emotional intelligence is an emerging field since the 1990s due to its important outcomes for employees. This study is a psychometric meta-analysis examining the links between emotional intelligence and organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, job satisfaction, job performance, and job stress of employees. In this meta-analysis, carefully selected studies on emotional intelligence since the origin of the concept in 1990 were included along with studies examining its outcomes. For this analysis, three streams of emotional intelligence, consistent with previous meta-analyses, were (...)
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    Eski Slavca Ve Rusça Çevirilerin Özellikleri.Leyla Şener - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 8):1247-1247.
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  16. Analogon Rationis: Baumgarten, Deleuze and the 'Becoming Girl' of Philosophy.Leyla Haferkamp - 2010 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 4 (1):62-69.
    Baumgarten's Enlightenment Aesthetica provides an important philosophical analogon to Deleuze's alignment of the ‘logic of sense’ and the ‘logic of sensation’. By linking serious reason with its ‘other’, frivolous feeling, the book greatly influenced Herder and the Romantic movement. Baumgarten called aesthetics ‘logic's younger sister’. Like Deleuze he propagates nothing less than the ‘becoming-girl’ of philosophy.
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    La Turquie, de la périphérie au centre?Caglar Keyder - 2005 - Diogène 210 (2):85-97.
    Résumé Historiquement, la Turquie est un « autre » pour l’Europe. Identité européenne et identité turque ont pris forme au travers d’une relation ambivalente (éloignement vs. proximité). Ceci explique pourquoi l’association formelle de la Turquie à l’Union Européenne a pu poser problème – forçant chacun des partenaires à une interrogation sur le sens de la culture et de l’identité. Dans un premier temps a semblé prévaloir une conviction selon laquelle la perspective d’intégration ne deviendrait jamais réalité. Puis, de nouvelles forces (...)
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    Mālik Bin Nabī (1905-1973): Civilizational Approach to Problems of Muslim World in Context of al-Nahda.Leyla F. Melikova & Меликова Лейла Фуад гызы - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (2):263-279.
    Article is devoted to research of the views of the Algerian philosopher and Muslim intellectual Mālik Bin Nabī (1905-1973) and reviews his sociological, cultural, historical and philosophical ideas. In his works Mālik Bin Nabī was writing about human society, paying special attention to the reasons for the decline of Muslim civilization and raised the issue of the degree of necessity, ways and forms of perception of its achievements. The author points to the complex approach of the thinker to the problems (...)
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    Vivir y narrar.Leyla Polo del Vecchio - 2024 - Boletín de Estética 69:67-79.
    En esta nota crítica se examina La crisi della narrazione: informazione, politica e vita quotidiana de Byung-Chul Han, ensayo filosófico sobre la transformación de la narrativa en la era digital. Han argumenta que la información fragmentaria ha reemplazado las historias tradicionales, erosionando nuestra capacidad para transmitir experiencias y sabiduría. El libro sostiene que el storytelling contemporáneo ha reducido las narraciones a mercancías consumibles, destruyendo su función original de generar cohesión social y comprensión existencial. Mediante un diálogo con pensadores como Walter (...)
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  20.  15
    From Description to Transformation.Leyla Sophie Gleissner - 2023 - Puncta 6 (2):81-98.
    In this paper, I investigate whether phenomenological description can help in transforming an unjust or violent situation. If one can agree that describing the situation of a group of marginalised subjects is necessary in order to define what is going wrong, then the question of whether the method can help change these states, remains unanswered. With this in mind, I then suggest that phenomenological description can only serve critical causes, under the condition that it takes the transformative power of language (...)
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    What Is the Difference Between Claiming That “Life Is Physical” and That “Biology Is Reducible to Physics”?Çağlar Karaca - 2023 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 13 (13:4):220-244.
    Bu makalede, biyoloji felsefesinde son derece tartışmalı bir konu olan indirgemecilik problemi ele alınmaktadır. Canlılığın fizikalist bir çerçevede değerlendirilmesinin, biyolojinin fiziğe indirgenebileceği anlamına gelmediği savunulmakta ve bu bağlamda fizikalizm ile fiziğe indirgeme arasında ne tür farklılıklar olduğu ortaya konmaktadır. İndirgemeciliğin metodolojik, epistemolojik ve ontolojik boyutları ayrı ayrı değerlendirilmekte ve öncelikle bütünü parçalarına indirgeyen metodolojik yaklaşımın eleştirisine odaklanılmaktadır. Ardından indirgemeciliğin epistemolojik boyutu incelenmektedir. Teori indirgemesi düşüncesinin temelinde, evrimsel ve tarihsel süreçlerde hiçbir mantıksal ilke bulunmadığı ve bu nedenle doğaya ilişkin nihai açıklamaları (...)
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    Spinoza ve Zamanın Gerçekliği.Karaca Çağlar - 2019 - Felsefe Arkivi:null null.
    Spinoza genellikle zamanın gerçekdışı olduğunu düşünen bir filozof olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Bu makale Spinoza’nın zamanla ilgili yaklaşımını ele almakta, bu kapsamda öncelikle onun bu konuda geliştirdiği kavramların ve genel olarak zaman anlayışının dikkatli bir şekilde analiz edilmesi gerektiğini vurgulamaktadır. Bunun yanında, Spinoza’nın zamanla ilgili düşüncelerinin tarihsel bağlamına, örneğin sonsuzluk, nedensellik, Tanrı ve Kartezyen felsefe ile ilgili tartışmalara odaklanmaktadır. Son olarak, Spinoza’nın zaman felsefesini Laplaceçı determinizm ve blok evren teorisi gibi modern görüşlerle karşılaştırmalı olarak değerlendirmektedir. Zamanın gerçekdışı olduğu yönündeki argümanlar genellikle gündelik (...)
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    Letzter Wille. Der dionysische Freund in Nietzsches drittem Dithyrambus.Leyla Jalili - 2022 - Nietzscheforschung 29 (1):161-170.
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    Authorship dispute of a doctoral thesis publication.Leyla Dinc - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (3):265-266.
  25.  44
    A genética em transformação: crise e revisão do conceito de gene.Leyla Mariane Joaquim & Charbel Niño El-Hani - 2010 - Scientiae Studia 8 (1):93-128.
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    A Few Notes on the Protection of Technicality in Dialect Studies.Leyla Karahan - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:131-136.
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    Grammar Books: One of the Oldest Reseources of Anatolian and Rumelian Dialects.Leyla Karahan - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:35-40.
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    In Grammar Teaching Of Part-Whole Relationship.Leyla Karahan - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:23-30.
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    Schrödinger’in Yaşam Nedir? Kitabı, Gen-Merkezcilik ve Biyolojik Organizasyon.Çağlar Karaca - 2021 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 8 (1):33-51.
    Bu makalede, Erwin Schrödinger’in kuramsal biyolojiye önemli bir katkıda bulunan Yaşam Nedir? adlı kitabındaki fikirlerini ve bu kitabın da etkisiyle gelişen gen-merkezci yaklaşımı eleştirel olarak değerlendirmeyi amaçlıyorum. Schrödinger’in canlılık konusundaki entelektüel mirasının tartışmaya açılması moleküler biyolojinin yaşam bilimlerinde hakim hale gelişinin ve yaşamın organizasyona dayalı temelinin anlaşılması açısından özel bir önem taşıyor. Yayınlandığından beri biyoloji felsefesinde önemli tartışmaları beraberinde getiren Yaşam Nedir? kitabı, yaşamı termodinamiğin yasaları doğrultusunda ele alması açısından biyolojide organizasyonu vurgular. Bununla birlikte Schrödinger’in canlılığın kodu olarak tasavvur ettiği (...)
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    Türk Gramerciliğinin Bir Eleştirisi: "Gramerimiz İçin".Leyla Karahan - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 9):71-71.
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    (1 other version)Editorial Comment.Leyla Dinç - 2006 - Nursing Ethics 13 (1):3-4.
  32.  39
    Editorial Comment.Leyla Dinc - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (1):3-5.
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    Ethical Issues Regarding Human Cloning: a nursing perspective.Leyla Dinç - 2003 - Nursing Ethics 10 (3):238-254.
    Advances in cloning technology and successful cloning experiments in animals have raised concerns about the possibility of human cloning in recent years. Despite many objections, this is not only a possibility but also a reality. Human cloning is a scientific revolution. However, it also introduces the potential for physical and psychosocial harm to human beings. From this point of view, it raises profound ethical, social and health related concerns. Human cloning would have an impact on the practice of nursing because (...)
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    Trust in nurse–patient relationships.Leyla Dinç & Chris Gastmans - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (5):501-516.
    The aim of this study was to report the results of a literature review of empirical studies on trust within the nurse–patient relationship. A search of electronic databases yielded 34 articles published between 1980 and 2011. Twenty-two studies used a qualitative design, and 12 studies used quantitative research methods. The context of most quantitative studies was nurse caring behaviours, whereas most qualitative studies focused on trust in the nurse–patient relationship. Most of the quantitative studies used a descriptive design, while qualitative (...)
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  35. From physics to biology: physicists in the search for systemic biological explanations.Leyla Mariane Joaquim, Olival Freire Jr & Charbel N. El-Hani - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 9 (2):1-32.
    This paper offers a contribution to debates around integrative aspects of systems biology and engages with issues related to the circumstances under which physicists look at biological problems. We use oral history as one of the methodological tools to gather the empirical material, conducting interviews with physicists working in systems biology. The interviews were conducted at several institutions in Brazil, Germany, Israel and the U.S. Biological research has been increasingly dependent on computational methods, high-throughput technologies, and multidisciplinary skills. Quantitative scientists (...)
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    Ethics in Turkish Nursing Education Programs.Refia Selma Görgülü & Leyla Dinç - 2007 - Nursing Ethics 14 (6):741-752.
    This descriptive study investigated the current status of ethics instruction in Turkish nursing education programs. The sample for this study comprised 39 nursing schools, which represented 51% of all nursing schools in Turkey. Data were collected through a postal questionnaire. The results revealed that 18 of these nursing schools incorporated an ethics course into undergraduate and three into graduate level programs. Most of the educators focused on the basic concepts of ethics, deontological theory, ethical principles, ethical problems in health care, (...)
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    Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi Toplumsal Cinsiyet Algısı Araştırması.Leyla Kahraman - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 2):811-811.
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    A question of morality? The influence of moral salience and nationality on media preferences.Leyla Dogruel, Sven Jöckel & Nicholas David Bowman - 2012 - Communications 37 (4):345-369.
    This study examines the potential role of morality subcultures in mediating the relationship between one’s nationality and the preferences for three movie and three TV genres in a sample of US and German students. Morality subcultures were derived from research on Moral Foundation Theory, which conceptualizes morality as being shaped by first intuitive processes and later moral reasoning. We proposed a dual mediation model with two latent domains of morality: individualizing foundations indicative of a more liberal perspective and binding foundations (...)
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    Relatıon Between Wrıtten Language And Dıalect In Formıng Old Anatolıan Turkısh.Leyla Karahan - 2006 - Journal of Turkish Studies 1:1-12.
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    The Human Project in the Philosophical System of Jean Paul Sartre.Leyla Mehdiyeva & Zaur Rashidov - 2024 - Metafizika 7 (1):41-63.
    The 20th century is known as a period of awakening and radical movements in the history. New systems of thought emerged during this period. Some systems of thought expressed a direct return to man. The beginning of the return to man was set by S.Kierkegaard with his views related to existentialism. The emergence of existentialism as a philosophical system coincides with the period after the First World War. In this period, the loss of previous values, the problem of secularism, and (...)
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    [Book review] state and class in turkey, a study in capitalist development. [REVIEW]Caglar Keyder - 1989 - Science and Society 53 (4):492-495.
  42.  31
    Varieties of Natural Law Jurisprudence and Thomas Aquinas’ Hybrid Natural Law Theory.Çömez Çağlar - 2022 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 30 (1):235-259.
    Die Rechtstheorie von Thomas von Aquin ist vermutlich die einflussreichste Darstellung der Naturrechtstheorie in der Rechtsphilosophie. Die zeitgenössische Literatur zur Naturrechtslehre zeigt jedoch, dass es nicht nur eine Art von Naturrechtstheorie gibt. Philosophen wie Mark C. Murphy haben hilfreiche Unterscheidungen zwischen verschiedenen Versionen der Naturrechtstheorie getroffen, indem sie versuchten, eine gemeinsame naturrechtliche Position zu identifizieren. Ziel dieses Artikels ist es, die folgende Frage zu beantworten: Welche Version der Naturrechtstheorie repräsentiert die Rechtstheorie des Thomas von Aquin am besten, da es verschiedene (...)
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    Pedagogical form, study, and formless formation.Çağlar Köseoğlu & Julien Kloeg - 2023 - Ethics and Education 18 (1):101-109.
    Moving education to Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and the many alternatives during the COVID19-pandemic raised the question of pedagogical form. In a sense, pandemic education in its two-dimensionality was a frictionless, sanitized reduction of education to pure form; it offered a more efficient transfer of knowledge and was marked by a heightened means-to-an-end logic. This has made the informal, unforming and deformational activity that Stefano Harney and Fred Moten call study even more difficult, if not impossible during pandemic education. In this (...)
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    Sınır-Fenomen Olarak Rüyasız Uyku.Çağlar Koç - 2020 - Felsefe Arkivi 53:25-34.
    Bu yazı rüyasız uykuyu bilincin çeperinde kalan bir fenomen, Edmund Husserl’in deyimiyle deneyimin bir sınır-durumu (Limesfall) olarak ele almaktadır. Fenomenolojik açıdan, rüyasız uyku bize gündelik hayatımıza şekil veren olağan deneyimlere özgü uyanık bilinçliliğin ardına geçmeyi dayatır. Uyurken bilinç asla ortadan kalkmaz. Dolayısıyla ölümden farksız ve bilinçten tamamen yoksun mutlak bir uyku teorik bir kurgudan ibarettir. Yazının birinci bölümünde felsefe tarihi boyunca rüyasız uyku hakkında görüş ileri süren filozoflar üzerinde durulmaktadır. Immanuel Kant’ın tam aksine John Locke rüyasız bir uykuya imkân tanır. (...)
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    Vortex of Corruption: Longitudinal Analysis of Normative Pressures in Top Global Companies.Leyla Orudzheva, Manjula S. Salimath & Robert Pavur - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (3):529-551.
    It is widely acknowledged that corruption by any firm is problematic. More importantly, its negative effects are compounded when corruption is present in large firms with global reach and corruption ceases to be a single instance but becomes a reoccurring or perpetuating phenomenon over time. Though the magnification of corruption over both time and size of operations creates scale effects that amplify its detrimental consequences, this context remains largely unexamined empirically. Thus, our research question is: What are the factors that (...)
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    Effects of using standardized patients on nursing students’ moral skills.Gulhan Erkus Kucukkelepce, Leyla Dinc & Melih Elcin - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (7):1587-1602.
    Background:Nurses and nursing students increasingly confront ethical problems in clinical practice. Moral sensitivity, moral reasoning, and ethical decision-making are therefore important skills throughout the nursing profession. Innovative teaching methods as part of the ethics training of nursing students help them acquire these fundamental skills.Aim:This study investigated the effects and potential benefits of using standardized patients in ethics education on nursing baccalaureate students’ moral sensitivity, moral reasoning, and ethical decision-making by comparing this method with in-class case analyses.Research design:This is a quasi-experimental (...)
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    L’eccidio degli uomini a Lemno. Il modello delle Argonautiche di Apollonio Rodio e la sua rifunzionalizzazione in Quinto Smirneo Posthomerica 9, 338–352. [REVIEW]Leyla Ozbek - 2011 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 155 (2):292-306.
    Quintus Smyrnaeus’ Posthomerica 9, 338–352 deals with the most famous Λήμνιον κακόν of the ancient myths: the women of Lemnos, jealous of the relationships between their husbands and some Thracian slaves, killed all the male population of the island. Quintus’ story uses as an intertextual model Apollonius Rhodius’ Argonautica 1, 609–632, dealing with the same episode. The aim of this paper is not only to show the intertextual relationship between Quintus’ and Apollonius’ texts, but also to show how Quintus changes (...)
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    Ethical decision-making and professional behaviour among nurses.Birgül Cerit & Leyla Dinç - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (2):200-212.
    This study examined the relationship between nurses’ ethical decision-making levels and their professional behaviours. Data were collected from 225 nurses who were recruited from university hospitals in Ankara using proportionate sampling. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and Pearson correlations. Most of the nurses were familiar with ethical dilemmas in nursing practice. The Nursing Principled Thinking level was above average, while the Practical Consideration level was average. Nurses’ professionalism level was low. There was a positive but weak correlation between professional (...)
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    Echoes of the abhidhamma in the component process model of emotion.Leyla Loued-Khenissi & Liudmila Gamaiunova - forthcoming - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology.
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    Bağdatlı Rûhî'nin Terkîb-Bendi'ne Yazılmış Bir Nazire: XVIII. Yüzyıl Şairi Berberz'de Mehmed Zihnî'n.Leyla Alpteki̇n - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 13):439-439.
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